Welcome to Infirm of Purpose


Hey guys!

This first blog post has been a long time coming. I seriously learnt so much about the art of procrastination whilst setting up this blog.

Infirm of Purpose is the space where I bring you fashion and lifestyle that’s presented in a (hopefully) entertaining way. I want to give you casual, wearable – yet – edgy menswear, not suits. That’s not my scene.

I don’t want to be one of those bloggers that censors everything they do. So I will be saying the word fuck. If you don’t like it, you know where that X button is ;).

I dislike ultra long intros. So I’ll end this here. Feel free to drop me a line at infirmofpurposeblog@gmail.com or check in on any of my social media accounts (@infirmofpurpose).

xx Matt

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